Fire Alarm Addressable
An addressable system utilizes a loop configuration containing all the fire alarm devices, including sounders and beacons/VAD. A loop wired system uses less cable compared to that of a more extensive conventional system.
Each device on an addressable system utilizes a system-wide protocol. A protocol is a language the fire alarm panel uses to talk to each fire alarm device. The panel allocates each of the devices with its own unique number/code. This number is known as the device address. When adding a device to the system, the commission engineer logs the device address and then inputs the device’s real-world location into the fire alarm panel.
The fire alarm panel continually communicates with the devices on the system. It enables the fire alarm panel to identify the exact device or manual call point in an alarm condition. Therefore, reporting a fire’s location, system faults and false alarms in a matter of seconds.
Advantages of Fire Alarm Addressable
Identify exact locations of fires, open/closed circuit faults and false alarms.
Large fire alarm system capacity.
Installation can be cheaper than a conventional system.
Suitable for any size project.
More system capabilities.
Disadvantages of Fire Alarm Addressable
Fire alarm devices cost more
Commission of the system takes longer
Addressable Fire Alarm System Wiring Diagram
In an addressable fire alarm system, all the devices such as detectors, call points and alarm bells are connected in a loop system to the fire addressable control panel and each device has an address (to tell about their location). This way, it is very easy to find the exact location of the device which has been triggered in the connected circuitry.